Enhancement of the Archaeological Area of Largo Argentina

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Tra i luoghi più importanti del centro storico, l’Area Sacra di largo Argentina custodisce resti che raccontano secoli di storia. Le quattro strutture situate al centro dell’area sono edifici sacri costruiti tra III e II secolo a.C., ed è qui, nell’adiacente Curia di Pompeo, che Giulio Cesare fu assassinato nel giorno delle fatidiche Idi di Marzo del 44 a.C.

The third cycle of the Periodic Reporting of the World Heritage Sites is beginning

Since 1998, the World Heritage Committee, every six years, starts the process of monitoring the conservation of the World Heritage Convention. States Parties of the Convention are invited to submit a Periodic Reporting on the application of the World Heritage Convention in their territory. Broken down by year, States Parties of the five regions –… Read More

Towards the approval of the Buffer Zone of the World Heritage Property of Rome

The proposal to establish a Buffer Zone, as an active protection tool for the World Heritage property of Rome, seeks to collect the new threats faced by historic centres, as outlined in the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (2011). As the humanity’s future depends on effective resource planning and management, conservation has become… Read More

CULTURE | 2030 – Culture and sustainable development

Within the framework of the UN Agenda 2030, Culture Indicators are an instrument identified by UNESCO to facilitate people involved in cultural programmes to make informed choices for projects to be developed. Culture affects 14 of the 17 SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) proposed by the Agenda and contributes across each of the five critical dimensions… Read More