SimartWeb is on line

20 Aprile 2022

The SimartWeb is the web version of SIMART, the information system for the management and cataloging of cultural heritage owned by Roma Capitale, designed by the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali.

From April 20, 2022 are accessible to the public about 47,000 sheets that, thanks to a simple and intuitive layout, allow you to deepen the knowledge of the heritage of Rome.

To facilitate an integrated reading of the data and to invite further insights, the section “Rome from A to Z” has been added to the portal. Within it the virtual visitor will find more than 30 hypertext paths built around the sheets of goods, suggestions for reading the heritage of Roma Capitale organized by thematic items. From the “Talking Statues” to the “Disappeared Villas”, from the performances of contemporary art “Rome: Keith Haring deleted”, to the “Tenerani Collection at the Museum of Rome”, from the “Baths of the Imperial Age”, to the “Medieval and modern sacred shrines”.

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