The Management Plan is a document containing the objectives, the sequence of activities structured over time to achieve them, through the identification of the available resources and the subjects involved, and the control system capable of monitoring their actual achievement and evaluating the results, both from a strategic and operational point of view.
The Management Plan is aimed at maintaining Universal Exceptional Value (VUE), Integrity and Authenticity of the Property.
Since 2005, the Operational Guidelines for the application of the World Heritage Convention, an essential guideline document for the management of World Heritage assets̀, includes the requirement of “sustainable management”.
Operational Guidelines 2019 ed.
Initially called by the Commission, the Management Plan is now part of the documentation expressly requested at the very moment of the inscription in the World Heritage Tentative List.
Therefore, even the Sites already registered for long in the List are invited to draw up, if they have not done so and, in any case, to update their Plan every three years.
In October 2015, the Technical and Scientific Commission, together with representatives of the Holy See, issued the text of the Management Plan for the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Historical centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura”.
The text was subsequently approved by the Extraordinary Commissioner with the Powers of the Capitoline Council with Resolution no. 62 of 29 April 2016.
Piano di Gestione
Attualmente il Gruppo di Coordinamento Transfrontaliero sta elaborando l’aggiornamento del Piano di Gestione del Sito UNESCO di Roma, che sarà successivamente inviato al World Heritage Committee.