The Periodic Reporting provided by the World Heritage Convention is one of the fundamental mechanisms for monitoring the protection and conservation of the Properties. (Link alla pagina del WH P.R.:
It is based on Article 29 of the Convention (Link alla pagina del WH: and on further specifications contained in the UNESCO Operational Guidelines.
Every six years, all World Heritage Sites are required to submit a report to UNESCO, based on an online questionnaire, to enable the World Heritage Committee to assess its conditions and, where appropriate, to decide on the need to take specific measures to address current challenges and problems.
The Periodic Reporting is divided into two parts: the first, focused on the application of the Convention by the States Parties, is reserved to National Focal Points (Link pagina Centro di Documentazione. Attualmente non presente); the second, concerning the state of conservation of the specific properties, is drawn up by the Site Managers and, subsequently, sent to UNESCO by the National Focal Points.
The Reports sent by Rome Property
Documentation and information on the P.R.’s procedure.

Additional resources related to the evaluation of the P.R. of the Europe Area
Actually, the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting is in progress (2018-2024). It provides the presentation by European States in the period 2022-2023 and the subsequent evaluation by the WH Committee in 2024.